Is a great dish in Canada; the bird is cooked this way: Chop cabbage fine and highly spice it, then stuff the bird with the cabbage and nicely cover the partridge or grouse with many thin slices of bacon, and put bacon also in the baking pan. When this is well baked and well basted a more delicious game dinner you will never eat. Try it; it is an old French way of cooking the partridge or pheasant.

When you need a real warm fire for cooking, do not forget that dry roots make an intensely hot fire with no smoke; look for them in driftwood piles, as they are sure to be there; they are light as a cork and porous as a sponge, and burn like coke.

No one with truth may say that he is a real woodcrafter unless he is a good camp cook. At the same time it is an error to think that the outdoor men live to eat like the trencher men of old England, or the degenerate epicures of ancient Rome. Neither are the outdoor men in sympathy with the Spartans or Lacedemonians and none of them would willingly partake of the historic and disgusting black broth of Lacedemonia. Woodcrafters are really more in sympathy with cultured Athenians who strove to make their banquets attractive with interesting talk, inspiring and patriotic odes and delightful recitations by poets and philosophers. As a campfire man would say: "That's me all over, Mable" and he might add that like all good things on this earth


Originated in the open. The word itself is from the French and Spanish and means a small bench, a little seat, and when spelled banqueta, means a three-legged stool. It has reference to sitting while eating instead of taking refreshments in "stand up" fashion. The most enjoyable banquets in the author's experience are those partaken in the wilderness, and prominent among the wildwood dishes is the