A great deal of the bother of cooking can be saved by using a fireless cooker, in which all of the slow processes are performed (roasting, baking, stewing, boiling, and making porridge).' In this case only a few simple utensils are required, a wood stove is dispensed with, and there is no need of anyone staying in camp to watch the fire and the cooking. The soapstone radiators can be heated over an alcohol or blue-flame stove. Hot meals can be had at all hours, even when the party is traveling.

A rough-and-ready fireless cooker, which can also be used as a cold-storage box, was described some years ago in Outing.

"When preparing your outfit this summer, pack some of your belongings in a soap or cracker box that has a fairly close-fitting lid. Take along an old white quilt or a blanket that can be folded into a pad to fit the box, or make a crude pad out of unbleached muslin with cotton batting, about one inch thick. Include in your outfit a granite cooking pail commensurate in capacity with the size of your party. In setting up camp, the soap box is to be lined with three or four thicknesses of newspaper (this can be done easily with the aid of a few tacks) and filled with clean hay or straw, packed firmly; and a close little nest hollowed out to fit the cooking pail.

This camp fireless cooker has been tested and has proved a pleasant luxury as well as a convenience in camp life. It makes possible cooked cereals, rice, evap-orated fruits and slow-cooking vegetables, where otherwise they would be excluded from the menu. If ther are children in the party, these things are particularly desirable. Keep the soap box in a sheltered place. Let the food in the cooking pail begin to boil briskly over the camp fire, then remove it, seeing that the cover is tightly closed (it should be a cover that shuts in), and place it in its hay nest. Tuck over it the cotton pad and three or four thicknesses of newspaper and shut down the lid of the box. Breakfast cereals may remain in the cooker over night. Meat, or slow-cooking foods should boil on the camp fire for fifteen minutes before being placed in the cooker.

This will also be found a heat-saving and labor-saving device for those housewives who remain at home — and it costs almost nothing.

It is not necessary to have ice for keeping milk cool and sweet in hot weather. The fireless-cooker, which conserves heat at the boiling point for many hours, will also conserve cold, or, more properly, keep heat out. A box lined with paper, packed with clean hay, straw or shavings and securely covered, is all that is needed. The bottle of milk, received ice-cold from the dairyman's wagon and placed directly in this device, will keep sweet as long as may be desired".