California Gull? (Larus Californicus?)

Three observed over the Saskatchewan River, Prince Albert, May 5. One taken Shagwenaw Lake, Churchill River, June 1. Nesting on island on Sandfly Lake, Churchill River, in company with common Terns, but the nests of this species were all together among tufts of grass growing on the higher parts of the island. Nests contained generally three eggs, one contained four, June 11. Observed Otter Lake, Churchill River, June 20, and Key Lake, June 24. Few observed Island Lake, Churchill River, June 26; Reindeer Lake, June 28. Half breed, Solomon Cook, tells me that Indians eat Gulls, particularly this Gull; south end Reindeer River, July 1. Observed at south end Reindeer Lake, July 6; Reindeer Lake, July 7, 9. Few nests found on an island where many common Terns were nesting, one nest contained young newly hatched, Reindeer Lake, July 12. Observed lower reaches Cochrane River, July 18, 21; west of Cochrane River, July 24; Cochrane River, July 25, 26, 28, 30, 31 ; Du Brochet Lake, August 1, 5, 6; north end Du Brochet Lake, August 10; Cochrane River, on return journey, August 14, 15.

Short-Billed Gull (Larus Brachyrhynchus)

An adult female taken on Reindeer Lake, July 9, one more seen on same date; this is very far east for this gull. " Iris clear blackish-grey ; edge of eyelid surrounding eye deep orange-chrome ; corners of mouth pure orange-chrome ; bill evenly coloured dead yellow; feet pale whitish-yellow." Dr. Oberholser regards this gull as a subspecies of Larus canus.1

Ring-Billed Gull (Larus Delawarensis)

A male taken on lie a la Crosse Lake, May 23 ; adult except for the black primaries and terminal band of the tail; probably a non-breeding bird. " Bill medium dark greenish-yellow, with strong black ring around bill a short distance from tip ; eyelids, and corners of mouth, deep orange-chrome ; feet pale greenish-yellow." Seventeen others seen with this bird.

An occasional Ring-billed Gull observed Ile-a la Crosse Lake, May 25.

Bonaparte's Gull (Larus Philadelphia)

Four specimens, an adult male (thought by the collector to be a non-breeding bird), taken on the Cochrane River, July 20. 44 Iris dark; bill black ; legs and feet, orange-chrome." An adult female, taken on Cochrane River, July 25. " Iris dark ; eye-ring dark crimson ; bill black ; corners of mouth reddish-flesh colour; legs whitish orange-chrome ; feet more rich chrome." Two juvenile birds taken on Lake Du Brochet, Cochrane River, August 1 : one of these, a female, is marked " Iris dark; bill medium dull blackish grey ; both mandibles dark from nostril out; legs, feet, and webs whitish skin colour with pale brown joints." This species is believed to breed in trees, and it is unfortunate in view of the young birds taken, that the nesting site was not found.

1 Auk, xxxvi, 1919, pp. 83-4.

One pair observed Crooked Lake, May 12 ; small colony seen on inland lake off the Beaver River, May 19; birds commonly perched on limbs of dead trees on the edge of the forest which surrounded the lake on three sides. An occasional bird of this species observed lie a la Crosse Lake, May 25. One observed Cochrane River, July 26 : three observed Cochrane River, July 27.

Sabine's Gull (Xema Sabini)

Three seen, and a pair of adults taken, on Sandy Lake, Churchill River, June 9 ; the female is marked- " iris black; pure red eye-ring; bill, black to one-eighth beyond nostril, remainder of tip medium dull lemon-yellow ; feet black."

Common Tern (Sterna Hirundo)

A juvenile female with pinions not fully grown, taken on Cochrane River, August 14. Seen in company with parents and another young bird.

Few observed Beaver River, May 21, and He a la Crosse Lake, May 25. Breeding haunts observed on Pelican Lake, June 3, 4.

Breeding on small low stony island at last bend on the Churchill River above Sandy Lake, June 8. Nest, small hollows crowded together ; grass-lined (sometimes. They contained generally two eggs and three eggs each, a few held a single egg. Estimated there were some three hundred eggs on this island. Observed Sandy Lake, June 9. Nesting as above on islands on Sandfly Lake, Churchill River, June 11.

Nesting on two small islands in Island Lake. Few nests contained two eggs, but the general rule was three. All eggs were well incubated, but in no case had young hatched; Churchill River, June 26. Nesting on island above Kettle Falls, Churchill River, June 27 ; observed Reindeer River, June 29 ; Reindeer Lake, July 3. Visited island where those birds were nesting; no young hatched out yet, south end Reindeer Lake, July 4. Observed numerously in Sucker Bay, Reindeer Lake, July 6. Observed Reindeer Lake, July 7. Visited island where colony nesting, and there saw first young birds, which were just hatching out, chipped eggs and moist chicklets being numerous, Reindeer Lake, July 12. Observed Cochrane River, July 18, 24, 25, 26, 29, Du Brochet Lake, August 1,6; Cochrane River, on return journey, August 15.

Black Tern (Hydrochelidon Nigra Surina-Mensis)

Observed Beaver River, May 19, 20. So far no birds of this species observed on He a la Crosse Lake, May 25. Numerous on inland lake on east shore at north end of He a la Crosse Lake, May 30. Colony of birds found just commencing to lay in same locality, May 31. Single eggs in the few nests that contained any. Hundreds of birds nesting on the water surface at the outer edge of the weeds. Breeding haunts found Pelican Lake, Churchill River, June 3. Observed Knee Lake, Churchill River, June 6 ; Sandy Lake, Churchill River, June 9.

White Pelican (Pelicanus Erythrorhynchos)

None seen on Pelican Lake, Churchill River, June 3, 4. About thirty observed at rapids between Sandfly Lake and Black Bear Island Lake on the Churchill River, June 12.

Merganser (Mergus Americanus)

A male in very worn immature plumage taken below Ila a la Crosse Lake, on the Churchill River, June 1. " Iris dark ; bill medium deep crimson, crown of upper mandible black; feet bright orange-chrome.