If the subject of gastric carcinoma survives for a sufficient length of time the disease will break down leading to ulcer, but the patient may die before ulceration occurs. Osier and McRae found ulceration in 35 out of 44 cases that came to autopsy.

Jaundice may be due to direct invasion of the bile-ducts or to secondary nodules in the liver; it is usually a late and always a very serious sign.

(Edema of the feet is a late sign often dependent on anaemia, which is always present in the later stages of the disease.

Interstitial pancreatitis, as shown by Cammidge's reaction in the urine and the presence of fat and muscle-fibres in the fasces, may occur early in the disease if the growth becomes adherent to the pancreas, but before it has extended into the organ; but when the pancreas has become invaded by the growth the symptoms become exaggerated and the crystals obtained from the urine by Cammidge's reaction take two to three minutes to dissolve in dilute sulphuric acid, instead of half a minute.

If the pancreatic duct is involved, the faeces, normally alkaline, become acid, and the constipation usually present may give place to bulky pale motions with a tendency to diarrhoea.