As Stelwagon* well points out, the subject of lymphangioma is still a rather confused one, inasmuch as no hard and fast dividing line has been drawn between actual new growths and lymphangiec-tases.

*Heidingsfeld: Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syphil., 1908, xcii, 337.

*Stelwagon: Diseases of the Skin, 7th ed., 661.

Lymphangiectases may be observed in either the superficial or deep lymphatics. The superficial form appears as minute or slightly larger vesicles, which, when ruptured, give a discharge of lymph. The deep variety is usually secondary to some inflammatory process, and can be recognized only as a corded growth beneath the skin.

Simple lymphangiomata occur as circumscribed, slightly elevated tumors, consisting of enlarged lymphatics. The forms best known are in the tongue or lip, the former being knowrn as macroglossia and the latter as macrochelia.

Lymph cysts are deep cystic tumors that come under the domain of surgery.

Lymphangiomata may be the seat of a latter sarcoma, so should always be removed when possible.