Before dealing with the sarcomata, it seems wise to say a few words concerning the benign connective tissue tumors, the sarcomata being the malignant connective tissue tumors.


A cicatrix, or scar, is a new formation of connective tissue, replacing a loss of tissue substance. The amount of scar formation depends, of course, on the preceding loss of tissue. As a rule, a scar contracts in the course of time, although hypertrophic scars may form. At first the color is bright-red, then dull-pink, then white, the color depending on the vascular supply. The pathology of the condition is admirably described in Adami's little book, "Inflammation."1 As already pointed out in the chapter on spino-celled cancer, cicatrices may lead to the later development of prickle-celled cancer, but sarcomas may also develop in them.