Whether anthropophagy be an atavistic recrudescence of primitive animal bulimia, the blind hunger which causes the chick to swallow whatever is dropped into its mouth, or whether the clouded brain seeks by new and powerful .stimuli to OVMOOnhB it! organic dvfrrt, is, so far II I am aware, a pure matter of speculation; but I have found, in at least thirty per cent, of the insane persons coming under my care, the abnormal voracity referred to; and that, not infrequently, associated with more or less distinct traces of anthropophagy. In this connection I may mention the case of a fellow-student at the medical college I first attended,'a young man of good physique, and apparently sound mentality, whom I was surprised to see one day taking strips of meat from his pocket, and eating them during lecture hours. My surprise, you may believe, was all the greater when it was subsequently discovered that the strips of meat had been taken from the body of a young female cadaver on one of the dissecting tables.

The unfortunate young man was shortly afterward committed to an asylum for the insane.