In the case of the Scythian Enarians (see Index), mentioned by medico-literary writers,1 and with which I may properly end these remarks on sapphism, the phenomena of sex aberration, being of a religio-mystical character, come more properly within the realm of psychiatry. Herodotus gives it as a myth that the goddess, Venus, angered by the plundering of her temple at Ascalon by the Scythians, had made women not only of the plunderers themselves but of their posterity; and a careful reading of authorities will convince us that a reverse delusion, on a strictly paranoiac basis, not only prevailed as to women among the Enarians, but is perpetuated among the Pueblo Indians and other tribes; as well as in men of our own race who, losing their procrcative organs, lose at the same time the masculirie idea of sex.

A careful perusal of Sprengel's "Apologie des Hippokrates," on this subject, will, I am sure, prove interesting, as well as profitable, to those desiring to give the subject fuller investigation.

1 Comp. Lallemand, "Des pertes Séminales," i, 581 ; Marandon, "De la Maladie des Scythes;" Hammond, Am. Jour. N enrol, and Psych., Aug., 1882; and Krafft-Ebing, lac. cil,, p. 200-221. Reineggs observed similar symptoms, with the same relegation of women, among certain Nogai Tatars on the Kuban,