In Bali, according to Jacobs,1 the method of gratification is either digital or lingual; but, among the Orientals, and the Japanese, an ivory or ebony artificial penis is used, sometimes with a head on each end, so as to serve two women at once. It is hollow, and filled with warm water, to bring it to the heat of the natural organ, and is regarded as an Arab invention, from which many women profess to derive greater enjoyment than they can from man; while, of course, the danger of conception is entirely eliminated.

That this form of sexual gratification is quite common among the Hindus is proven by the fact that their language contains no fewer than five words to denote woman addicted to it—dugdnd, zan&kke, saiar, ckapa-ihai and chapatbaz.1 The most frequent method of the art, which they call chapat, or chapti, is by bringing the female organs together, although the phallus or saburah is sometimes used. Jan Suhat, a female poet, sings enthusiastically of the joy of this kind of intercourse, exalting the wooden penis far above the one of flesh; and the same idea seems to have been pretty generally held in the days of the Reman, Catullus, as well as in France under Henry II, and even the Grand Monarch.'

* It is probable that Ovid's couplet "Mens erit apta capi turn quum lajtissima re rum. ut seges in pingui luxuriabtt humo," applies with even greater force to homosexual vices than to the ordinary forms of iaseiviousness dependent on idleness and luxury. The historic debauchery of kings is without doubt due to this cause. Galen speaks of the number of adulterers in Rome, in connection with the wealth and luxury of the city; and in Corinth, also noted for its affluence, where "a thousand whores did prostitute themselves in the temple of Venus," Strabo writes, "as well as Lais and the rest of better note," the luxury of the hot southern climate is spoken of as conducing greatly to "lust and incontinence." It was said of Henry VIII that " he saw few maids that he didn't desire, and desired fewer that he didn't enjoy;" and Solomon with his thousand concubines, and Ahasuerus with his "gelded eunuchs," and Nero with his Tigellinus and boy-prostitutes, and the grand moguls with what Jovius calls their "adultery, incest, sodomy, buggery, and other prodigious lusts," furnish forcible evidence of the effect of luxury and idleness on the sexual passions.