Among the Hovas of Madagascar marriage was only a beau-knot, so to speak; and in Yucatan a husband considered it a good and valid reason for divorce if he saw another woman who pleased his fancy better. Greeks, ancient Hebrews, Romans, and occasionally Germans, considered dislike a perfectly proper reason for putting away a wife; divorce being regarded not as a matter of public concern but a purely personal act.* The Greenlanders seldom repudiate wives who have borne them children;9 and Mr. Powers says that the California Wintun, though he may beat his wife in a moment of passion, or slink away with another fair one, seldom resorts to divorce.10 The Iroquois regarded separation as discreditable, both to the man and woman;11 and among the Patagonians, Charrúas and Yahgans, if children have been born to them, absolute separations are rare. So among the Maoris, Solomon Islanders, New Guineans, and in Tahiti, the birth of children generally precluded divorce; and Ewald tells us that, notwithstanding the privileges accorded the husband under the Mosaic Law, the ancient Hebrews seldom made evil use of their marital right in this respect.1

Children A Factor In Divorce 22

1 Polak, he. cil., r, 207. Respectfully submitted for the consideration of Mr. George Meredith.