The total chlorides of the appetite gastric juice of Mr. V. an very constant, the minimum being 0.49 per cent and the maximun 0.56 per cent chlorine. The continuous secretion or hunger juic is more variable in chloride content, and this variation appears t< be directly dependent on the secretion rate and on the acidity In general, the lower the secretion rate the lower are the acidity and the total chlorides. This is in agreement with the findings o Foster and Lambert on dogs.

These facts seem to point to the conclusion that the low aciditj of the gastric juice secreted at a slow rate is not due entirely tc neutralization. We have apparently a secretion of gastric juice of an acidity actually lower than that of the rapidly secreted appetite juice. The dependence of the actual secreted acidity on the secretion rate is not a very close one, however, as we may have very marked fluctuation in rate without any change in chlorides. But below a certain secretion rate (25 to 30 c.c. per hour from the entire stomach of the adult) an actual hypoacid juice is secreted.

The foregoing figures for total chlorides in the normal gastric juice of Mr. V. agree closely with the findings of previous observers on the gastric juice of dog and of man. Rosemann gives 0.54 to 0.64 Cl for the appetite gastric juice of the dog. The figures given by Sommerfeld for human appetite juice vary from 0.53 to 0.59 CI. Umber, working on an old man (fifty-nine years) with partial esophageal stenosis (malignant), reports total chlorides of the gastric juice as varying from 0.27 to 0.60 CI.