Among the various subjective symptoms that accompany a cancerous growth of the stomach, gradual loss of strength is often the first to attract attention. Although inclined for work, the patient experiences a sense of weariness and lassitude in the afternoon which renders him irritable and restless. Gradually he finds that he is unable to pursue his avocation for the whole day, and is forced either to curtail his hours of business or to rest upon his back from time to time. In other cases loss of energy is more apparent than physical debility, so that a man who has always been remarkable for early rising and devotion to outdoor exercise will decline to get up at the usual hour or to engage in any active pursuit. This change of habit is often so marked that medical advice is sought on account of some supposititious derangement of the mind, and on more than one occasion we have known elderly people suffering from carcinoma of the stomach condemned as hysterical, self-indulgent, or incurably lazy, owing to their invincible objection to physical or mental exertion. In many cases, however, careful examination will show that for some time there has been a steady loss of flesh, or that the debility is accompanied by progressive anaemia and disinclination for food ; while in others, and especially in those where the patient is engaged in a sedentary occupation,, difficulty of mental concentration, dizziness, failure of memory, or want of decision accompanies the failure of strength. Finally, great depression of spirits, religious melancholy, or even delusional insanity, is sometimes associated with deterioration of the general health.