The average weight of these organs in our male cases was 11.1 oz., and in the female 9.5 oz. As the average normal weight in the former sex is 10 oz. and in the latter 8 oz., it will be seen that the kidneys usually increase in bulk. In addition to the signs of fatty degeneration of the renal epithelium, which are frequently met with, chronic interstitial nephritis was observed in 15. 2 per cent, and chronic parenchymatous inflammation in 8 per cent, of our cases. Both varieties were exceptionally common in tumours of the body of the stomach, and apparently developed during the course of the gastric complaint, since neither albuminuria nor oedema was ever observed before the commencement of the fatal illness. These facts appear to indicate that, as a result of the retrograde changes that occur in the morbid growth, some organic substance is produced which is absorbed into the system, and during its subsequent elimination acts as an irritant to the renal tissue. Although up to the present time we have not succeeded in isolating such an ingredient of the urine, we are strongly of opinion that future researches in this direction will not only prove successful, but will afford considerable help in the diagnosis of gastric cancer. Hydronephrosis occasionally results from the pressure upon a ureter of a peritoneal or subperitoneal growth, while in about 4 per cent, of all cases secondary deposits occur in one or both kidneys.