Bulbs of Hyacinths, Tulips, Crocuses, Lilies, etc., which naturally grow at some distance below the surface of the soil, should be planted in pots, and kept in a cool, dark place until the roots are developed, the darkness having the effect of keeping back the growth of the top until the roots have made a good growth. Oxalis, Begonias, Gloxinias, Caladiums, and other bulbous or bulbous-rooted plants, while at rest, must be kept in a warm, dry place, in the soil in which they grew, and not watered until growth commences, when they should be potted in fresh soil, and, as soon as they begin to grow vigorously, they should be watered as directed above.

How To Slip And Root Plants

Nearly all kinds of plants may be easily rooted in bottles of water, or in saucers or other earthen dishes in which is placed sand that is kept very moist, so that water will stand upon the surface. These must be kept in a warm place, and occasionally in the full sunshine, but not long enough to cause them to wilt. When fully rooted, put in good soil in small pots. Cuttings should generally be made of the soft growth, about two or three inches in length, cut at any convenient point with a sharp knife.