Chicory (Cichorium Intybus)

420. Character And Uses

Chicory is a well-known European vegetable. It is used to some extent in the large American cities. The roots are cooked like carrots, and when roasted also used as a substitute for coffee. The leaves may be cooked like dandelion. When well blanched they are prized for salad purposes.

421. Culture

Any soil adapted to other root crops will grow good chicory. The roots are hardy, remain in the ground over winter and send up tender leaves early in the spring. Several cuttings may be made from the same plants. As soon as the ground can be prepared in the spring the seed should be sown in rows 15 to 24 inches apart and the plants thinned to about 3 inches.

Chive (Allium Schoenoprasum)

422. Character And Uses

The chive or cive belongs to the onion family, and produces dense tufts of slender, hollow leaves valued for seasoning because of their mild onion-like flavor. The leaves may be used at any time during summer. As the terminal clusters of flowers are violet red, chives make an interesting plant for garden borders or edgings.

423. Culture

Any good garden soil will grow chives The plants are perennial and hardy, the roots remaining in the ground for many years. They are easily propagated by dividing and planting the roots early in the spring, or from seed sown 1/2 inch deep in rows about 12 inches apart. Later the plants are thinned to 6 inches. The roots may be divided and replanted every three or four years.


424. Culture

This is a form of kale grown in some parts of the South and occasionally in the North. The plants are started by the same methods as cabbage and set in garden or field about 3x4 feet apart. The leaves are used as greens.