This tree grows to the height of from thirty to forty feet, with a diameter of from eight to twelve inches. It has all the good points of the black cherry, but is much inferior in size. The wood is of a light-red color and not inferior to that of the preceding species for cabinet-work. The wild red cherry springs up spontaneously wherever the country has been ravaged by fire. It is the only native species of cherry on which the cultivated cherries will grow and succeed if grafted on.

Wild-cherry bark is said to have a tonic and stimulating influence on the digestive apparatus, and a simultaneous sedative action on the nervous system and circulation. The fluid extract is used in all cases where it is desirable to give tone and strength to the system without causing too great an action of the heart and strain on the blood-vessels. It has also been found useful in hectic fever, some forms of dyspepsia, and irritability of the nervous system.