This is one of the best-known of our American trees, and reaches a height of from one hundred to one hundred and eighty feet, with a diameter of from two and a half to six feet. So much of our pine has been cut and shipped to the Old World that, where the pine was formerly abundant, as in New England, northern New Tork, and Pennsylvania, it has now become scarce, and large tracts that were thought to be inexhaustible are now bare and devoid of pine. The Northwestern States at present furnish nearly all of our pine, but it is needless to expect even here a renewal of the pine, for the tide of immigration is so great that, before a second supply will have time to grow, the country will be populated, and instead of pine-forest we will have comfortable farms and cities. The white pine is a hardy tree, and accommodates itself to almost every variety of soil. The wood of the white pine that is grown on dry uplands is harder, more resinous, stronger, and has a much coarser grain than that grown in moister soils. It is a very graceful tree, its foliage being soft, its color a deep, rich green; the only objection to it as an ornamental tree being the formal arrangement of its branches in whorls, but this is lost sight of in a large tree. Its wood burns freely, but does not give much heat; hence it is not fit for much until it has reached a convenient size for hewing into timber, or for lumber. Hence I would suggest that, in planting the young trees, they be set eight feet apart, and the intervening spaces be filled with trees of easier propagation, which may be cut out and used before the pines become crowded. Great care should be taken to preserve the leading shoots of the young pines, as they are very tender, and apt to be broken by the intervening branches.