This variety is esteemed as a table fruit. Its berries are large, of an oblate form, pale-red color, sweet, pleasant-flavored, and juicy. The original vine is said to have been found on the eastern coast of Maryland. It is deemed suitable to our climate as far north as Philadelphia, and might be successfully cultivated as a wall fruit in much higher latitudes. This, with the other varieties, may be propagated from seed, cuttings, or layers, and by grafting and inoculation.

In planting the grape-vine, the first consideration necessary to success is the choosing of a favorable site; this should be facing south or east.

Having pitched upon the ground, the next operation is to dig parallel trenches, at from five to ten feet apart, according as the ground is flat or steep. Where the slope is considerable it will be only necessary to have these trenches five feet apart, and as the situation approaches to a plain or level surface the full distance of ten feet will be required between each trench. The trenches should be dug to the depth of two feet on a plain surface, and to four feet on a hill-side, in order that the roots may penetrate to moisture and be beyond the reach of drought. In selecting cuttings, they should be chosen from the most fruitful and healthy part of the vine, and cut off close to the parent stem; and, as the top buds of all shoots are unfruitful, they should be trimmed off in an oblique direction, the sloping side being opposite that containing the uppermost bud. The cuttings should be planted in such a manner as to leave a single bud above ground, even with the surface, and, to insure the thrift of the future vine, the trenches should be filled in and around them with virgin or vegetable mould, which may be obtained from the nearest woods, if not already at hand; or, rotted manure will answer the purpose if procurable; and in case a settlement or depression of the earth occurs, so as to expose more than one bud, soil should be promptly added to make up the discrepancy. The most favorable time for planting is when the atmosphere is calm, and as soon after the separation of the cutting from the old vine as practicable.