Its Rarity and Limited Height.—Where Found and General Characteristics.—Manner of Preserving and Sowing its Seed.— The Dogwood.—Cornel Dogwood.—Its Singularity of Species and Diffused Growth. — Its Ornamental and Useful Advantages. — Method of Preparing and Sowing its Seed. — The Jamaica Dogwood.—Description and Medicinal Properties.—The Date Plum. —Persimmon.—Its Usual Height and Size.— Peculiarities of its Foliage and Bark.—Effect of Frost on its Fruit.—Description and Uses of its Wood. — Preserving its Seed. — The Mulberry. — Red Mulberry.—Where Found, Attainable Height, and Manner of Growth. —Durability and Uses of its Wood. —Its Ornamental Value.—How to. Obtain its Seed.—The Black Mulberry.—Its Foreign Origin. — Its Comparative Growth and Productiveness. — Its Dedication. —Weight of its Wood per Cubic Foot. — Effect of Age on its Fruitfulness. —The White Mulberry-tree.—Its Main Distinguishing Feature.—Its Growth. — Countries to which Indigenous. — Purpose for which Introduced into the United States, and Results.

This is a rare tree, and seldom exceeds forty feet in height. It is found in Kentucky and Tennessee, and according to William C. Bryant is much more hardy several degrees farther north. The foliage is quite brilliant and has a very sweet odor, only, to my notion, a little heavy and dead. The flowers are in long, pendulous clusters. This tree would make quite a valuable timber tree; but, owing to its scarcity, it has never been used. When first planted it is said to be of slow growth, but after the first two or three years takes a sudden start, goes ahead quite rapidly, and soon reaches its full height. The seed of this tree should be kept in rotten wood, or in damp sand, during the winter, and covered very lightly in the spring. If it is sown dry it will not vegetate until the next year.