
The Oxalis is a charming plant for a hanging basket because it blooms so freely, and requires so little attention. O. rosea is a bright pink variety. O. alba has a pure white flower. The best variety of all is aurea, generally known as the "Buttercup Oxalis." This is a rich golden-yellow. Its flowers are borne in wonderful profusion throughout the entire winter.

The Oxalis is grown from small tubers, which should be procured from the florist in September or October. Plant half a dozen in each six-inch pot, in rich sandy soil.


This is more commonly known as Pickle Plant, because of its thick, succulent foliage of cylindrical shape, bearing some resemblance to a miniature pickle. It throws out a great many branches. These root at every joint, if they come in contact with soil, and the result is a thick mass of greenery, against which the bright yellow flowers which it produces in wonderful profusion show to fine effect. This, as well as the Oxalis, must be given a sunny window.


A vine of vigorous habit, with prettily variegated foliage. It is equally valuable in hanging-basket and window-box.


An old stand-by. It sends out scores of branches which reach a length of three and four feet, thickly set with bright green foliage. We have prettier plants in this class, but this grows with so little trouble, and is always so bright and cheerful that one can not help forming a warm friendship for it. Give it a good soil and plenty of water and it will ask no further care at your hands.


This is generally known as Coliseum Ivy. It is a plant of exceedingly rapid growth, with pretty foliage, and dense habit.