The finest time for enjoying a garden is at dusk, but our twilight is so much shorter than the English that there is usually nothing left of it after supper. Many Americans can hardly enjoy their gardens except on Sundays^or in the evenings. Therefore our gardens ought to be charming by night as well as by day, and they can easily be made so if we have a fair proportion of white and fragrant flowers. The best classified lists of such flowers are given in The Garden Magazine for July, 1909, pages 332 and 333, and Country Life in America for May 1908, pages 42 to 45. I can only add a few notes made in English gardens.

Pale yellow flowers are visible by night and the snapdragons of this colour have a spectral effect. The English are also very fond of Lamarck's evening primrose (known to seedsmen as Oenothera Lamar ckiand).

It is also pleasant to see dimly through the darkness white sheets of flowers carpeting the ground, and still pleasanter when a rush of fragrance is borne to you by the night wind. Sweet alyssum and sweet woodruff furnish these sensations. And at Surbiton I saw a species of woodruff not described in Bailey's Cyclopedia, viz,, Asperula hirta, which was notable for having the fragrance of almonds.