Two quarts of sifted flour, one teaspoon of salt, one teaspoon of sugar, one tablespoon of lard or butter, one-quarter of a cake of compressed yeast, dissolved in one-half cup of water, a pint of warm water. Put flour in mixing-bowl (reserving one cup of flour to add at last, if needed). Rub the butter or shortening into the flour. Mix the yeast with the warm water. Pour this liquid mixture into the center of the flour, mixing well with a steel knife. Scrape the dry flour from the sides and bottom of the bowl, bringing the knife up through the dough. When thoroughly mixed turn out on a floured bread board; knead half an hour, or till it is smooth and will not adhere to the board. Cover with a cloth and board, let rise to double its bulk, cut down, let rise again, divide into two parts, mould into loaves, let rise until it cracks on top. Bake in hot oven one hour. When baked put on wire dish or sieve, place where the air will circulate round, and thus carry off the gas which has been formed, now no longer needed. Never leave bread in a pan or on a pine table.

Milk bread is made the same as water bread, using good milk instead of water. It is better for new beginners to make bread in the morning, then they can watch the rising carefully.

Rye or graham bread make the same as water bread, omitting the shortening and using two-thirds rye, one-third flour; let rise without molding.

Raised biscuit are made the same as milk bread, adding more butter or shortening; make into biscuit shape or oblong. Melt butter, and spread over the top, put in a rather warm place to rise. Bis-cuH should be allowed more time to rise than bread. Bake in a quick oven. Experience is the best teacher in bread making. There are many other ways of mixing bread. Make a batter first, and then stir in the flour, kneading afterward. Mashing a potato and adding to yeast mixture is good.