Water Sponge Cake

One egg, one-half cup of sugar, one teaspoon of lemon juice, three tablespoons of cold water, two-thirds cup of flour, one even teaspoon of baking powder. Beat the yolk, then add sugar and beat again, add the lemon juice and water, then the flour in which the baking powder has been mixed, lastly the white beaten stiff. Bake in shallow pans. Put jelly between the layers and ice with boiled icing.

Sponge Cake

One cup of sugar, one cup of flour, three eggs, three tablespoons of milk, two teaspoons of yeast powder. Mix as directed in Water Sponge Cake.

Lady Fingers, Or Sponge Drops

Beat the yolks of four eggs ten minutes, add one-half cup of powdered sugar, flavoring, beat in three-quarters of a cup of the best roller flour, put one-half saltspoon of salt in a dish and add the whites, beaten stiff and dry. Fold into the yolks and flour. Pour this mixture through a funnel made of white letter paper, press on buttered tins about three inches long, and less than one inch wide, or drop by spoonfuls on buttered tins, sprinkle over powdered sugar, and bake in a slow oven. Stick together with white of egg.

Diamond Sponge Cakes

Any good cake will do for these, but sponge is preferable. Bake an inch thick in square tins. Cut diamond shape, frost with violet, green and pink and white; flavor with violet, pistachio, rose water and lemon. The effect is very pretty.

Old Time Sponge Cake

The weight of twelve eggs in bar or powdered sugar. Weight of six eggs in flour, rind and juice of one lemon. Beat the yolks very light, add the sugar and flour alternately and slowly, stirring in the center and occasionally round the edges with a knife, then add the lemon juice and rind, last of all stir in the flour. All the stirring must be done slowly and gently. Bake in a moderate oven three-quarters of an hour. Prepare the fire and have the oven right heat and gradually increase the heat a little by opening dampers to stove. Bake in thick round tins with a tube.