Rolled Griddle Cakes

Two eggs, two tablespoons of flour, salt, and milk to make very thin batter. Beat the yolks, add flour, a little milk, then more flour, and so on until flour is used ; add well beaten whites. Pour in hot greased frying pan one tablespoon of the mixture, or just enough to cover a small frying pan ; turn quickly, brown and remove. Spread with jelly, roll, and sprinkle with sugar. These are very good for dessert, eaten with sugar and sherry.

Griddle Cakes

One pint of flour, one scant pint of sour milk, two eggs, one-half teaspoon of salt, one-half teaspoon of soda. Sift the flour, salt and soda together, add the milk and beat well, then the beaten yolks, lastly the well-beaten whites.

Rice Griddle Cakes

Two cups of cold boiled rice or hominy, one teaspoon of sugar, one-half teaspoon of salt, two eggs, two cups of milk, flour enough to make a thin batter that will run from the mouth of the pitcher in a thick, continuous stream, one teaspoon baking powder. Have the griddle well-heated and greased, make the cakes large, bake brown, turn, and brown the other side, serve with maple syrup.

Buckwheat Cakes

Pour one quart of boiling water on one-half cup of fine corn meal ; add one-half teaspoon of salt; mix well, and when lukewarm add one-half cup of flour, one cup of buckwheat, and one cup of yeast. Stir well. Let rise over night. In the morning stir down and beat. When risen and ready to bake, add one saltspoon of soda sifted through a fine sieve. Bake same as griddle cakes. Buckwheat cakes, even if not sour, require the addition of soda just before baking ; it makes them light and tender.

Fried Mushes

Mushes that are left over may be packed in a round mold or in a one-quart measure ; cut in slices (if they are not stiff enough dip in flour), and fry in hot dripping; if made purposely for frying, make a little stiffer than for ordinary use. A very attractive and appetizing dish may be made of corned beef hash, with slices of well-browned mush around the edge of the dish.

Oatmeal Mush

Put one cup of oatmeal in double boiler with a teaspoon of salt; pour gradually over a quart of boiling water stirring all the time. Cook two hours. Remove the cover once in a while and stir with a fork.

Indian Meal Mush

Mix one cup of corn meal with one cup of cold water ; one-half teaspoon of salt. Pour over a pint of boiling water ; cook one hour in double boiler. Graham and rye are made the same.