These make a particularly attractive and uncommon luncheon dish—but need I warn you, if you are a good cook (and I am sure you are!), that they should not be done beforehand and put in the oven to keep hot. This is a fatal mistake with most things, but particularly with this dish.


The number of veal cutlets required, a few spoonfuls of thick Bechamel sauce (see p. 196), 3 tablespoons of grated Parmesan cheese, 2 eggs, breadcrumbs, butter or oil for frying, salt and pepper.


Flatten out the cutlets with a beater, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and coat each side of them with a thick Bechamel sauce to which the Parmesan has been added. Coat them twice over with egg and breadcrumbs, smoothing it well down with a knife, so that it adheres firmly. Place them in a pan of boiling oil or hot butter and fry a golden brown on each side. To make sure that the batter will not come off the upper side, baste well with the fat, so that when it is turned, it will be too set to do so. Put on a hot dish and serve at once.