Those of my readers who are prejudiced against garlic —possibly without ever having tasted it—should skip this recipe, as it cannot be made without what will appear to the majority of English people to be a very large quantity of this fragrant bulb.


2 or 3 pigeons, a 1/4 of a lb. of gammon, 12 or more cloves of garlic, a few slices of lemon, 2 or 3 oranges, a cupful of good stock, the yolks of 2 eggs, butter, salt and pepper.


Put a little butter in an earthenware casserole and when hot add the pigeons, well seasoned with salt and pepper, the gammon, cut in small dice, and 3 or 4 cloves of garlic. Cook till the pigeons are well browned. Now add the stock, a little finely shredded orange peel, a few slices of orange, a little orange juice, a few slices of lemon, and the remainder of the cloves of garlic, previously saute in a little butter. Finally add the yolks of 2 eggs, stir well and cook for a few minutes longer. Dish up and garnish with slices of orange.