Dam With Karola


Karola 1/2 seer, pepper, cumin and garam-masalla 1/4 tola each, coriander 1 tola, salt 1 tola, ginger 1/2 tola, turmeric 1/2 tola, curd 1/2 powa, sugar 1/2 powa, ghee 1/2 powa, a ripe cocoa-nut and a few cassia leaves.


Scrape out the kernel of the cocoanut, mix them with sugar, pasted ginger and garam-masalla and fry them with ghee. Then remove the seeds from the tender karolas by cutting off one end of each, fill the hollows with this stuff and close the ends with a little flour paste. Fry them in ghee. Boil some ghee in another pan with the cassia leaves and powdered pepper, cumin, coriander and turmeric. Then add the curd, sugar and a little hot water. Add the karolas and salt when it boils. Take down when the soup is thick after adding powdered garam-masalla.

Dam With Potato


Potato 1/2 seer, ghee 1 chhatak, curd 1 chhatak, almonds 21/2 tolas, coriander 1 tola, salt 1 tola, pepper, turmeric, sugar and garam-masalla 1/4 tola each, a little lemon-juice.


Boil ghee in a pan and brown the pieces of potatoes in it. Then add to them almonds, coriander, pepper, turmeric, salt and lemon-juice, all pasted together, and stir for a few minutes more. Then add curd and sugar and stir for two minutes more. Add water. Add powdered garam-masalla when the soup is thick. Then take down.

Dam With Mocha


Chopped mocha 1/2 seer, ghee 1 chhatak, curd 1 chhatak, salt 1 tola, coriander, cumin, ginger, poppy-seed, garam-masalla and sugar 1/2 tola each, pepper 1/4 tola, turmeric 1/4 tola, a few cassia leaves.


Keep the chopped mocha in water for a few hours. Bind them with a few cassia leaves in a clean piece of cloth and suspend the ball in a pan half full of water so that it does not touch the bottom. Cover the lid and boil for half an hour. Then boil some ghee in a pan, add ground poppy-seed, ginger, coriander, pepper, cumin, and last of all the boiled mocha in it, and stir for a few minutes. Add turmeric, salt, curd, sugar and a little water Cover the lid and boil on mild heat. Boil some ghee and fry the powdered garam-masalla in it, and season the curry with this. Stir thoroughly and take down. A paste or pieces of onions may be-added with the spices if desired.