Shell a few hard-boiled eggs and cut them length-"wise and crosswise on both ends. Smear with powdered or pasted turmeric and salt. Dip them into a very thick solution of flour or powdered rice mixed with salt, and fry in plenty of ghee. The eggs may also be halved and fried.

Egg Fry With Brinjals

Cut tender brinjals in slices of medium thickness and rub with salt and powdered turmeric. Leave them for some time till they are soft. Then dip them into contents of eggs beaten with salt, roll on middlings and fry in plenty of ghee or oil.

Egg Fry

With Cauliflowers

Cut the flowers in small pieces and boil them in water with salt and ground turmeric. Dip them into the contents of eggs beaten with salt and ground turmeric, roll on powdered bread or biscuit and fry in plenty of ghee or oil. Poppy seeds, minced onions and green chillies may be mixed with egg-contents if desired.

With Cocoa-Nut

Scrape out the kernel of a ripe cocoa-nut and mix with salt, turmeric, red chillies, raisins, almonds and moistened pulses of grams, all powdered or pasted. Beat thoroughly, form cakes, dip into beaten egg-contents and fry.

With Flowers Of Gourd

Remove the stalks, placentas and sepals of the flowers, dip them into the contents of eggs beaten with salt, minced onions, ground turmeric and a little besam or rice-flour, and fry. Serve while hot and crisp.

With Mun Leaves

Cut very tender leaves of amrita mun in big squares and boil in water. Then dip them into a thick solution of besam beaten with salt, powdered red chillies and turmeric, and fry in ghee or oil. Again dip them into contents of eggs beaten with salt and ground turmeric and fry.

Kulia, as will be described later, may be prepared with these and potatoes.

With Patol

Dip skinned patois into liquid egg-contents beaten with powdered turmeric, ginger-juice and salt, roll on powdered bread or biscuits and fry in ghee. Thin slices, of peeled potatoes may be fried in the same way.