Preserved Strawberries

Strawberries granulated sugar.

Use only fresh, clean fruit, and do not wash. Hull the berries, and for each cupful of fruit measure one cupful of granulated sugar, put in an enamel kettle, place at once over a hot fire and stir. The juice thus extracted will make abundant syrup. Boil twelve minutes, and then pour into sterilized jelly glasses. It is best to make this preserve in small amounts as the color and flavor can thus be retained to better advantage. When cold the glasses should be sealed with paraffin. The fruit will keep indefinitely.

Strawberry Souffle

Press one quart of hulled strawberries through a sieve; add six tablespoonfuls of sugar and the beaten whites of six eggs. Mix lightly; pour into a buttered dish and bake slowly for forty minutes. Serve at once with cream.

Strawberry Junket

Allow one quart of new milk to become lukewarm on the back of the range, then pour it into a glass dish, sweeten to taste, and flavor with lemon. Add, stirring slightly, one rennet tablet or three-fourths of a tablespoonful of liquid rennet. Then set it away to cool, being careful not to jar it. Just before serving fill sherbet glasses with alternate spoonfuls of the junket and sliced and sweetened strawberries. Heap whipped cream on top, and put one fine large berry dusted with granulated sugar in the center. Serve with any delicate cake.

Strawberry Roll

2 cupfuls flour 1 1/2 teaspoonfuls baking powder 2 tablespoonfuls butter.

I teaspoonful salt milk strawberries sugar.

First, sift together flour, salt and baking powder, rub in the butter, then mix with the milk, as for biscuit dough. Roll out, spread thickly with strawberries, then with sugar, and dredge a little flour over them. Roll up as for a jelly roll, moistening the edges of the dough with milk that they may stick together; tie in a cheesecloth and steam for one hour. Or, if preferred, lay the roll on a baking sheet, brush over with milk and bake in a moderately hot oven. In either case, serve with strawberry sauce or with any preferred sweet sauce.

Strawberry Trifle

Flavor one pint of double cream with half a teaspoonful of lemon extract, then whip to a froth. Arrange finger strips of cake log-cabin fashion in a shallow glass dish and fill the center with alternate layers of the cream and fine ripe sweetened berries. Place the cream that is left in a ring around the outside of the cake.

Strawberry Sauce

1 cupful powdered sugar 3 tablespoonfuls butter 6 or 8 ripe strawberries.

Beat the butter and sugar to a cream as for hard sauce, and during the beating add the berries, one at a time, mashing them thoroughly in with the other ingredients. When all have been added, pile the sauce high in a dish and set aside to cool until needed. This is good served with any plain hot pudding.

Strawberry Nests

Soak half a box of gelatin in half a cupful of cold water for half an hour, then add a pint of boiling water, a cupful of granulated sugar, and the juice of two lemons. Mix in the whites of two eggs, well beaten, and stir over the fire until the gelatin is dissolved, but not allowed to boil. Tinge it a very delicate green with a little vegetable coloring. Strain, and after slightly cooling put a spoonful in the bottom of each individual mold. Small bowls do nicely for these. Let the jelly harden in the molds, then stand smaller molds, which may be tumblers, inside on the jelly. Fill the space between the two bowls with the jelly and let it harden. After brushing the inside of the smaller mold with hot water remove it carefully. Fill the space vacated with strawberry charlotte, and stand in a cold place for at least four hours.