Rhubarb Pie

Make and bake the pie crust, or line the pie plate in the usual way and brush the crust with white of egg, then turn in the following mixture: two cupfuls of cut-up rhubarb, two cupfuls of sugar, with which has been mixed two level tablespoonfuls of flour, and stir in, without beating, two eggs. Bake at once with or without lattice top. The amount will make one large and two small pies.

Rhubarb Custard Pie

Add to two well-beaten eggs two heaping tablespoonfuls of cornstarch mixed with two-thirds of a cupful of milk, half a cupful of sugar and one cupful of cooked and sweetened rhubarb. Pour this mixture into a plate lined with good pie-crust and bake. This may be covered with a meringue, or served with whipped cream.

Rhubarb Stewed

2 bunches strawberry rhubarb 1 1/2 cupfuls sugar.

Select tender stalks of rhubarb, the strawberry variety if you can get it, wash in cold water, first cutting off leaf and root ends with a very sharp knife, so as not to start the peel, which is not taken off. Cut them on a board in inch pieces and put in a double boiler and place over a slow fire. Add no water to rhubarb. After it has cooked for half an hour, add enough sugar to sweeten it. Replace the cover and cook until quite soft.

Rhubarb And Orange Marmalade

18 medium stalks rhubarb 3 large oranges.

Slice oranges very fine and cut rhubarb in one-half inch pieces without removing skins. Mix, measure, and add an equal amount of sugar. Mix thoroughly and let stand over night. In the morning, put in the preserving kettle and boil rapidly until a little of it will thicken like jelly when dropped into cold water. Pour into glasses and seal.

Rhubarb Whip

Whip to a stiff froth the whites of three eggs; beat into them three tablespoonfuls of powdered sugar and a teaspoonful of lemon juice, then about a pint of rhubarb. Sprinkle the top with chopped nuts and serve.

Rhubarb And Pineapple Marmalade

5 pounds rhubarb.

5 pounds sugar.

1 pineapple (grated).

Wash rhubarb and cut in small pieces, add grated pineapple and sugar. Cook very slowly until sugar is melted, then cook moderately until rhubarb goes all to pieces. Pour into tumblers and cover with paraffin.

Rhubarb Jam

1 pound rhubarb 1 pound sugar 1/2 lemon rind.

Wash the rhubarb and wipe perfectly dry. Peel and weigh it, mince the lemon rind and add it to the rhubarb. Put in a saucepan with the sugar. Keep it well skimmed and boil until it is thick, about an hour after it begins to boil. Pour into tumblers and cover with paraffin.

Rhubarb Baked With Figs

Cover well-washed bag figs with boiling water and cook until the water is nearly evaporated. Cut a pound of rhubarb unpeeled, if young, otherwise peeled, in inch pieces; put a layer into a baking dish, sprinkle with a teaspoonful of sugar, add a few figs, then a layer of rhubarb, sugar, and figs, until a pound of rhubarb and half a pound of figs are used; put in a few spoonfuls of hot water and bake, covered, in a slow oven until the rhubarb is tender but unbroken. Dates or raisins may take the place of the figs.