Plums In Rice Border

Cook half cupful rice in milk until tender and quite dry, adding a pinch of salt when it is half done. Make it rather sweet with powdered sugar and pour into a border mold to set. When ready to serve, turn it out carefully and fill the center with rich stewed plums. Pour a little of the syrup over the rice and heap whipped cream over the plums.

Plum Conserve

Put one large basket of plums into preserving kettle, cover with water and boil until soft. Remove stones and boil them a few minutes in a little water. Add this water to the plums, add one-fourth pound chopped walnuts, one-half pound raisins, six cupfuls sugar, grated peel of four oranges and the juice; do not use the white skin. Boil all together until it thickens. Put in jars boiling hot and seal at once.

Plum Charlotte

Remove the stones from a dozen plums, put them in a saucepan just covered with water. Add sugar enough to sweeten, stew them until tender. Line a mold with lady fingers or thin strips of sponge 46 cake, fill with the hot plums, cover with more cake and let get icy cold. Serve with cream.

Plums In Batter

Make a batter with two beaten eggs, five tablespoonfuls of flour, a little more than one pint of milk and a pinch of salt. Remove the stones from one quart of large ripe plums, crack them, put the kernels inside of the plums again, mix the fruit with two tablespoonfuls of moist sugar and stir it lightly into the batter. Turn it into a buttered pudding dish and bake in a hot oven till done, about forty minutes. Sprinkle powdered sugar over the top and serve hot with one-half cupful of butter, one cupful of sugar and one well-beaten egg, stirred to a cream and flavored.

Preserved Damsons

Wipe damsons with a piece of cheese-cloth wrung out of cold water, and prick each five or six times, using a large needle; then weigh. Put three-fourths their weight of sugar in a large stew-pan, and to each pound of sugar add one cupful of boiling water. As soon as sugar and water reach the boiling point, add plums a few at a time, that fruit may keep in better shape during the cooking. Cook until plums are soft, which may easily be determined by piercing with a small wooden skewer. It is an excellent idea to use two kettles, that the work may be done more quickly and the syrup may not cook too long a time.

Spiced Plums

Wipe five pounds of plums with a piece of cheesecloth wrung out of cold water, and prick each five or six times, using a large needle. Put two and one-half pounds of brown sugar in a saucepan, and pour over one quart of vinegar; then add two ounces of cloves, one ounce of stick cinnamon broken into pieces, one ounce of allspice-berries, and one ounce of mace (all tied in a piece of muslin). Bring mixture to the boiling point, and let boil ten minutes. Pour over plums, cover, and let stand over night. In the morning, drain plums from syrup again, bring syrup to the boiling point, let boil ten minutes, and pour over plums. Cover, let stand over night, drain, and repeat the process a third time.

Plum Jelly

Put the plums into the preserving kettle with water to cover. Cook slowly until the plums will mash readily, then turn into a jelly bag, and drip until pulp is dry. Boil the juice rapidly twenty minutes, skim well, remove from fire and measure. Let come to a boil again and add as many cupfuls of sugar as you had juice. Let boil until it jellies, which will be fifteen to twenty minutes. Pour into glasses and when cold cover and put in a cool, dry place.

Plum Jam

Wash and halve the plums, but do not remove the stones. Add enough water to barely cover and cook slowly, mashing with a wire potato masher several times. When the fruit is soft and the stones have fallen out set aside and let stand until cool. Remove the stones, which will have come to the top. Add pound for pound of sugar to the fruit and juice and cook until thick. If a plum butter or marmalade is desired put through a sieve and reheat before canning.

Plum Pie

Cover pie plate with plain paste; fill with the following: Two cupfuls pitted plums, half a cupful of sugar; dredge with flour, add two tablespoonfuls lemon juice and one tablespoonful butter, cover with paste and bake.

Sweet Pickled Plums

Prick four pounds of plums with a needle in two or three places to keep them from bursting. Put them with layers of cloves and cinnamon into glass jars. Make a syrup of two pounds of sugar and one quart of vinegar and pour it hot over the plums. Next day pour off the vinegar, boil it up and pour again over the fruit. Cover the jars. This improves by keeping for some weeks before using.