Wash well two pounds of oranges. Place them in granite saucepan, having fruit well covered with water. Boil them for three hours, turning the oranges often. Let them cool in the water. When cool, cut each orange in four parts, remove the center with a spoon and place in a dish until ready to measure. Cut the yellow peel with scissors into threads. Measure the pulp and shredded rind, add an equal amount of sugar and one additional cupful, then one cupful water; cook all together for ten minutes counting from the time it really boils. Fill glasses and cover with paraffin. Stir gently all the time it is boiling to keep from burning.

Orange Apricot Marmalade

4 quarts apricots 4 large oranges 6 cupfuls sugar.

Wash the apricots and pit them. Mash and put into a granite kettle over a slow fire. With a sharp thin-bladed knife pare off the yellow part of the rind and cut it in threads with the scissors (be sure not to have the white part of the rind). Mix them with the apricots, add the juice and pulp of the oranges, let this simmer slowly, stirring frequently until well blended. Add the sugar which has been heated in the oven and boil hard for ten minutes. Put into sterilized glasses or jars.

Orange Marmalade Pudding

One-half cupful butter, one cupful sugar, one-half cupful milk, two and one-quarter cupfuls flour, three and one-half teaspoonfuls baking powder, and the whites of four eggs. Combine the above ingredients in the order given and steam together for thirty minutes. When ready to serve, cut in slices and serve with a thick layer of whipped cream on which a spoonful of orange marmalade has been placed.

Orange And Honey Marmalade

Peel the required amount of oranges and boil the peel in water until tender. Then cut into strips and remove the seeds from the juice and pulp of the oranges. To two cupfuls of the juice and pulp allow one cupful of strained honey and half a cupful of orange peel.

Place it with the honey in a preserving pan and boil all together for about half an hour, or until the marmalade has reached the proper consistency. Put it into glasses and when cold cover with melted wax.