Two cupfuls of currants and one cupful of sugar. Cook one minute and add one teaspoonful of vanilla. Pour into a deep pie plate with crust, sprinkle with flour and cover with top crust.

Currant Meringue Pie

Mix one cupful sugar and one fourth cupful flour, add yolks of two eggs, slightly beaten and diluted with two tablespoonfuls water. Wash currants, drain, and remove stems. Add one cupful to the first mixture, bake in one crust; cool, and cover with.

Currant Pie No. 2

2 eggs.

1 cupful mashed currants.

1 cupful sugar.

2 tablespoonfuls granulated sugar.

1 tablespoonful flour.

2 tablespoonfuls water 177.

Fill a pie plate with crust with the following mixture : Beat the egg yolks with the sugar and add the flour, water and currants, which have been washed, stemmed and mashed. Mix thoroughly and bake until done. When cool cover with a meringue made by beating the whites of the eggs very stiff, adding gradually with the egg beater the sugar. Put in a moderate oven for about eight minutes.