Roman Punch

Grate the rind of one lemon, add one quart of water, one-half pound of sugar and boil five minutes; add the juice of two large lemons, one orange, strain and set aside; when cold, freeze. Mixan well four tablespoonfuls of Jamaica rum and a meringue made of the white of one egg beaten stiff with one tablespoonful of powdered sugar. Set aside till needed. Serve in punch glasses.

Roman Punch

Boil one and one-half quarts of water and one and one-half pounds of sugar to a clear syrup. Strain through a cloth and when cold add one quart of pineapple juice and juice of one lemon. Freeze, and when quite firm rpake a rich meringue with the whites of four eggs. Open the freezer can and pour in one-half pint of Santa Cruz rum and mix with the frozen ice, then the meringue. Close the can tightly and turn the crank until quite stiff. Remove the dasher and pack away until needed. Turn in a large glass bowl. Whip in lightly one pint of champagne. Serve at once in glasses.

Louise Bunn.

Claret Punch

Slice two lemons and cover with one-half cup of powdered sugar,let it stand ten minutes; add one-half a tumbler of ice water and stir one minute; pour into this one bottle of claret. When serving, put pounded ice in each glass and fill with the punch.

Grape Wine

To every pound of grapes, picked from the stems, add one-fourth pound of granulated sugar. Fill strong cask with the same, let it stand one year, draw oft, strain and bottle. Mrs. Robinson.

Grape Wine

Pick the grapes from the stems and mash them. for each quart of mashed grapes add one quart of water,.mix thoroughly, put in a jar and set away for four or five days. then squeeze the pulp through a cloth and add three pounds of sugar for each gallon of liquid (brown sugar is best); mix pulp and sugar and set away for three or four days more. stir every day, but do not skim off anything. put in jugs, but do not cork till it ceases to work. then add a few raisins and cork the jugs. mrs. burdette.

Grape Wine

One quart of juice, three pounds of white coffee sugar; fill up with water to make a gallon. let it ferment five or six weeks, then bottle. mrs. sherman.

Currant Wine

One quart of juice, three pounds of sugar, three quarts of water, put in a jar or jug and let it work a week or longer if necessary, then rack it off and put in a dry cool place.

Mrs. van fetchen.