Roast Beef

The best pieces for roasting are the sirloin and rib pieces. The meat should have the bone removed by the butcher and skewered. If boiling water is dashed over the meat when first put in the oven it will prevent the escape of the juices. Baste frequently with salt and water at first, afterwards with the drippings. Season with LeRoy salt and pepper. If you like your meat rare, allow fifteen minutes to a pound; if you prefer it well done allow longer time. For the gravy, skim the drippings, add a teacup of boiling water, thicken with a tablespoonful of flour made smooth with cold water, boil up once and turn into a gravy boat. Serve with mustard or horse radish.

Roast Beef With Yorkshire Pudding

Instead of the directions above, put the beef to roast upon a grating; never roast meat without a rack in the pan. Sticks laid across the bottom of a dripping pan will answer. Three-quarters of an hour before the meat is done mix the pudding and pour into the pan. If there is much fat in the pan, drain it off. Leave just enough to prevent batter from sticking to the bottom. Let the dripping from the beef fall upon the pudding while baking. When both are done cut the pudding in squares and lay around the meat on the platter.

Recipe For Pudding

One pint of milk, four eggs (whites and yolks beaten separately, two cups of flour, one teaspoonful of soda dissolved in hot water and stirred into the milk, two teaspoon-fuls of cream tartar, one teaspoonful of LeRoy salt.

Beef Steak

Have the steak three-quarters of an inch thick, wipe with a cloth, lay on a buttered gridiron over a clear fire, turning often. Cook about twelve minutes, if the fire is good. Rub a hot platter with a raw onion, lay on the steak, salt and pepper both sides, and butter the upper side liberally, cover with another platter, let it stand five minutes to draw out the juices of the meat.

Beef Steak And Onions

Prepare the steak as directed. While it is broiling, chop three or four onions, put in a pan with beef dripping or butter. Cook them till they are done and begin to brown. Lay the onions on the steak. Cover and let stand five or six minutes, then serve.

Note—Steak should never be fried. It is indigestible. If not convenient to use a gridiron, rub a little butter upon the bottom of a hot clean frying pan, set over a bright fire and turn frequently.

Beef Hash

To two parts cold roast or boiled corned beef put one of mashed potatoes, a little pepper, LeRoy salt, milk and melted butter, turn into a frying pan, stir until heated through. Let a brown crust form on the under side, turn into a flat dish with the brown side uppermost.

Beef Pie

Mince some roast, or corned beef, season to taste and spread a layer in the bottom of a pudding dish, cover this with a layer of mashed potato, stick bits of butter over it, then another of meat and so on till ready for the crust. To a large cup full of mashed potato add two tablespoonfuls of melted butter, one well beaten egg, two cups of milk, beat all together until very light. Work in enough flour to roll out (not too stiff), add to the meat and potato in the dish a gravy made of warm water, milk, butter and catsup, add cold gravy remaining from roast and cover the pie with a thick crtist, cutting a slit in the middle.