Coffee Jelly

Soak one-half paper of gelatine in just enough tepid water to cover it. Take 1 scant pint of milk, put it on in a double boiler, and just before it comes to a boil stir in 4 well beaten eggs and 2/3 of a cup of sugar (beaten together). Do not let it boil only scald, until it becomes a little thick. Take from the fire and put in the dissolved gelatine, and 1 1/2 cup of very strong coffee, which has been previously boiled and settled, pour into moulds to cool. In very warm weather use a little more gelatine, to insure its being hard enough. To be eaten with Cream and sugar.

Coffee Jelly

Two-third box gelatine soaked till soft in 1 pint cold water, 1 quart strong hot coffee poured into this and sweetened to taste. Mould. Eat with sugar and crearn.

Corn Starch Blanc Mange

One pint milk, 2 heaping tablespoons corn starch, 1/2 teacup sugar (scant), whites of 3 eggs. Dissolve corn starch in a little cold milk and stir into the boiling milk with the sugar. When it is quite thick stir in the well beaten whites. Flavor and pour into a mould.

Soak 1/2 box of gelatine in a quart of milk 1 hour. Put on the fire and stir as it warms. Take the 3 yolks and beat with a small cup of sugar. Add to the scalding milk stirring to the boiling point. Season with lemon or vanilla. Strain into a mould.

Frozen Fruit Custard

One pint of rich milk, 1 pint of Cream whipped, yolks of 3 eggs, 1 1/2 cupfuls of sugar, 1 pint of fresh peaches cut into small pieces, or fresh ripe berries. Beat the whites and sugar well together. Heat the pint of milk almost to the boiling point and add it gradually to the beaten eggs and sugar, return to the kettle and stir constantly until it has slightly thickened. When the custard is partly frozen, add the whipped Cream, stir a few minutes longer and then stir in the fruit.

Ice Cream - Peach

One quart of rich Cream, 1 pint of new milk, 1 cup of sugar, 1 large spoonful of gelatine, dissolve in a little of the milk. Heat the milk and stir in the gelatine and sugar, add the Cream and 2 quarts of yellow peaches, and 1 cup of sugar mashed together with a fork.

Ice Cream - Perfect. South Ch. Cook Book

One quart of Cream, 1 quart of milk, 1 pint of sugar, 1/3 of a box of Cox's gelatine and flour to taste. Dissolve the gelatine in 1 pint of milk on the back of the stove and add the other ingredients. No boiling necessary.

Mrs. Ogburn's Ice Cream

Four-fifths Cream to one-fith milk, 1 heaping teaspoon of gelatine to each quart, dissolve the gelatine in milk, flavor with vanilla.

Italian Cream

Soak in cold water a little more than 1/3 a box of Cox's gelatine until soft. Scald a quart of milk in a bucket set in hot water, stir the gelatine into the milk until dissolved. Beat the yolks of 8 eggs with a little sugar and stir into the milk, and let it cook a little, but not till it curdles. Flavor with almonds and turn into a mould, wet with cold water. Let it stand 10 hours before using.