New England Short Cake

One pint of sifted flour, 1/2 teaspoonful salt (scant), 1/2 teaspoonful soda, one full teaspoonful Cream tartar, 1/4 cup of butter, measured after smoothing lump. Mix salt, soda and Cream of tartar with the Hour and sift twice. Rub in the butter until fine like meal, or, if liked very short and crisp, melt the butter, and add hot with the milk; add the milk gradually, mixing and cutting with a knife; divide into two parts, roll gently until about the size of a pie plate. Bake. Cut round the edge. Tear open and spread with softened butter. Fruit may bo spread on if you like.

Strawberry Short Cake

For each cake allow 1 pint flour, 1 heaping teaspoon baking powder, shortening the size of an egg. Sift the powder thoroughly into the flour; rub in the lard, salt. Make a soft dough with sweet milk, roll and bake on a pie pan. Split and butter well. Have ready a quart of strawberries and 3/4 cup sugar. Divide the berries between the middle and top, sprinkling over the sugar. Serve with sugar and Cream.

Daphne's Sally Lunn

One and a half pounds flour, 2 ounces of butter, warmed in 1 pint milk, 1 tablespoon salt, 3 well-beaten eggs, 2 tablespoons fresh yeast. Set to rise. Eat hot with butter.

Sally Lunn

Seven cups flour, 1/2 cup butter, warm, in 1 pint sweet milk, 3 eggs. 4 tablespoons yeast, salt. Let raise four or five hours.

Sally Lunn

One cup milk, 1 pint flour, 3 teaspoonsful baking powder 1 large spoonful of sugar, 1 egg, 1 lump of butter size of an egg, 1 salt spoon salt.