Fish Chowder

fresh cod or haddock should be used, cut fish in convenient pieces, 6 slices of salt pork, fry brown in the chowder kettle, then take out the pork but leave the fat in kettle. Having some potatoes ready peeled and sliced, peel and slice 6 onions. Oyster or Boston crackers. Put layer of potatoes, layer of fish, layer of onions, some slices of pork, layer of crackers, pepper and salt, then commence over again until all is used, having crackers on the top, then put in water until you can see it. Boil until potatoes are done, then put in 1 pint of milk and boil 10 minutes.

How To Cook Mackerel

Soak, skin side up 24 hours changing the water at least once. Wipe dry and hang up over night. In the morning fry, putting the skin side down first, then turn and fry brown.