This paper, although not strictly speaking a Bromide paper, may be conveniently included here, as it is treated in much the same way, with the two exceptions that its slowness—which is about one-tenth that of rapid bromide —allows of daylight exposure if desired, and that development should be rapid.

Its slowness is its only advantage over bromide paper, unless it may be that the tiro is enabled to obtain deeper blacks. The scale of gradation is rather shorter.

It is possible to develop it in subdued gaslight, in which case the light should be at the back of the operator ; but it is decidedly better to develop it in a light given by an incandescent burner behind one thickness of Canary Fabric or Bookbinder's Cloth.

Intensification, toning, etc, may be applied just as with bromide paper.

The ease and facility with which this paper is manipulated is a very great feature; almost any kind of negative may be employed, except very thin ones ; these do not give quite such satisfactory prints as those, for instance, used for "P.O.P." carbon and platinum.

If a large number of prints are to be made it is advisable to use a fairly large volume of developer and push each print under the solution face up.

The strength of the developer may be semi-normal or quite normal, and, as the latitude of exposure is great, accurately-timed exposures are not so essential, as a difference of five per cent, in the time makes no apparent difference.

Transfer the prints direct from the developer to the fixing bath, which may be of the same strength as that given for bromide paper, but care must be taken to get a complete flow of the fixing solution over the print at first. Fixing occupies about five minutes. Wash for one hour in running water and do not allow the print to stick together either during washing or any other operation.