Although the dog has remarkable powers of digesting such apparently insoluble substances as bones, etc., he, like most other animals, is a frequent sufferer from digestive disturbance, though this derangement of the digestive organs is certainly of more frequent occurrence amongst dogs leading inactive lives.

Probably the most frequent cause of dyspeptic symptoms are the various forms of worms, so prevalent amongst dogs.

Following this as a cause, decayed teeth are liable to provoke it, whilst prolonged feeding on unsuitable food, over, under, and irregular feeding, are equally fruitful sources of mischief to the digestive apparatus.

General unthriftiness, want of energy, and a morbid appetite, together with foul breath, are the leading features of disordered digestion.

It must be borne in mind, however, that the digestive organs are frequently in a perverted condition through disease in other parts, such as the heart, kidneys, liver, etc., and can only be regulated for proper assimilation when treatment is directed towards the mischief, in connection with any of the foregoing organs.

Most suitable food is that containing a due proportion of flesh and carbohydrate ; therefore a mixture of boiled paunch and boiled rice will meet this end.

Feed the dog regularly, and give no more than the dictates of common sense suggest as sufficient for the size of the dog. Give extract of malt daily.

Hounds and other sporting dogs should not be allowed to eat as much as they like, no matter however hard they may have been working.

If sickness is a troublesome symptom, it will generally be advisable to give the dog a dose of worm medicine. Should the results be negative, give one of the following powders night and morning.

Bismuth carbonate . . 1 drachm.

Pepsin . . . .20 grains.

Powdered charcoal . . 2 drachms.

Powdered sugar . . 1 drachm.

Mix and divide into one dozen powders, giving in their dry state, by placing on the back of the tongue.

Any loose or carious teeth ought to be removed, and a dose of compound liquorice powder given occasionally to regulate the bowels.

From a quarter to one teaspoonful of this powder will be a suitable dose.

Should there be no improvement in the animal's condition, it will be advisable to obtain skilled advice —not such as is frequently offered by unqualified canine specialists, or others of this class professing a knowledge of "all pertaining to the doggy world".