Was held in the Hippodrome, which had been fitted up expressly for the purpose. Stalls were erected around the capacious arena for the accommodation of the dogs; but the entries were so much in excess of the calculations that extra stalls were built, at the last moment, inside the arena. There were also two rings into which the several classes of dogs were taken to be judged.

The show opened Tuesday, May 8th. As early as ten o'clock Monday the dogs began to arrive. They came by all sorts of con veyances. Some were packed in huge coops marked " with care," others were led by stout iron chains, and still others were carried in baskets or in the arms of their owners. Among those bringing their pets for exhibition were many elegantly dressed ladies. Crowds of men and boys surrounded the entrance. Some of the dogs were disposed to be quarrelsome, especially the big fellows, and many times the crowd scattered with ludicrous haste at the unexpected growl of some ferocious-looking brute. There was danger from some of them, too, for their owners took great care to keep them at a safe distance from the legs of imprudent bystanders. Not a few had great difficulty in holding the powerful animals in. Other dogs were quiet and friendly, but not less annoying to their masters by plunging about and entangling their chains in seemingly inextricable confusion.

The spectacle inside the arena, when every thing was in readiness, was very attractive. There were over eleven hundred entries of all classes, from the huge Siberian blood-hound, the magnificent St. Bernard dog, the Newfoundland and the mastiff, down to the most delicate toy dogs. To the latter were devoted several stands in the centre of the arena, and this was one of the most attractive spots in the show. The little things were rigged up with ribbons, mats, cushions, bells, and lace collars, in the most dainty style. Two large pups with lace collars were very amusing. Others were the occupants of a number of mahogany-framed glass cases. One of these, a tiny mite of a thing, with long silken hair, bore the ferocious name of "Danger." There were also three beautiful Italian greyhound puppies, five delicate Japanese puppies, and six little white balls nestling under their Blenheim spaniel mother.

The principal attendance was during the evenings, when the building was crowded to its full capacity. There were quite as many ladies as gentlemen present, and they seemed to take quite as much interest in the dogs. The only drawback to the enjoyment of the show was the dreadful howling that tilled the building and at times almost prevented conversation. Mr. Bergh's speech on Tuesday evening was inaudible six feet from where he stood. The larger dogs were, as a rule, dignified and quiet; but the petted darlings of the drawing-room expressed their anguish over their imprisonment and loss of home luxuries in tones that must have pierced the very hearts of their fair owners.

The show was in every sense a great success, and will probably prove to be the first of a long series of such exhibitions. It was held under the auspices of the Westminster Kennel Club, and for a first enterprise of the kind, the man. agement was noticeably free from annoyances and mistakes. It lasted four days, and every one who visited it was delighted and entertained. But if the question of holding another bench show were left to the dogs, it would doubtless be rejected by a large majority.

Mr. Jones's Siberian Bloodhound Bruno.

Mr. Jones's Siberian Bloodhound "Bruno."