It is somewhat difficult to define the varied symptoms of Hydrophobia. Incautiously to attempt it might perhaps arouse fears, where there existed no cause for alarm. For the consolation of the nervous however, I may commence by assuring them, that a mad dog is indeed a very rare production, and that perhaps not over one in a thousand of those accused of it may be pronounced guilty. Every ill-bred street-roving bone-grubber, every dog despairingly seeking his master, every canine in a fit, every poor beast, overcome with heat and fatigue, every affrighted quadruped seeking refuge from his merciless pursuers, in fine, every favorite, who may portray a certain strangeness of demeanor, must of course be mad. In the last ten years, I have not had a single case for although cases of Hydrophobia are happily rare, the bare idea of it, (as an old lady justly remarked,) is no joking matter. Thus, should there be nothing amiss, a great deal of uneasiness may be avoided. Some of the causes of Madness in dogs, I have found to be the following ; exposure to the sun, without the power of retreat; deprivation of water, especially during warm weather ; unwholesome food, remaining undigested in the stomach ; heat, excitement and lack of nourishment, accompanied by continued worryings, peltings, and drivings ; the constant wear and tear of the whole nervous system, produced by fleas being allowed to accumulate ; the bite of rabid dogs or venomous reptiles ; bones or any foreign object stuck in the jaw or throat. But a more ordinary impulse to Babies than any of the foregoing, I believe to be the dogged determination of the male in pursuit of the female, more especially when great heat, lack of food and water, and protracted journeyings arc added to the torments of unsatisfied lust. Of this I have known several unmistakeable instances ; indeed every circumstance attending these headstrong peregrinations combines to agitate and disorder the whole nervous fabric of the natu-rally excitable canine. Some years ago, I had three cases of decided madness ; two caused by the bite of venomous reptiles ; the third by a sunstroke. Of course I safely and securely chained all the patients, and marked their daily progress. The two bitten subjects grew worse and worse, till I relieved them by a merciful death ; the third, by my throwing cold water on her, three or four times a day and keeping her in the cool shade, with little light, gradually recovered, and afterwards produced several litters of puppies, one of which lived just long enough to be swallowed by an alligator on the banks of the Mississippi. Neither of these dogs refused to drink, but the two former had lost all power of swallowing, for some time previous to my destroying them. Rabies, caused by venomous bites or objects sticking in the throat or jaws is perhaps the most incurable, as it is by no means advisable for the inexperienced to risk an operation, at an advanced stage of the inflammation. I believe many cures might be effected, if the animals were only kept safely bound in the shade and constantly cooled with water, I mean where the cause may be indigestion, over-excitement or sunstroke. When an animal has been bittern by another, known to be mad, I consider it undoubtedly the safest method to destroy him although I have known many dogs, which have never been affected by the bite, whilst others have become its victims.

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