A dog. well versed in ordinary fetching and carrying, will require only a little directing and discretionary management, to enable him to execute many little useful errands to a neighboring store, or even at a considerable distance. It would not be advisable to practice it much n the City, unless the animal is watched, as the poor creature runs a great risk of abuse, with out any chance of redress, and such an exposure might prove injurious both to his physical and mental developments, by deterring him from similiar adventures for the future, to say nothing of the risk of his coming in contact with a new master. The same means recommended for " Going-up and down stairs" must be resorted to here. When he is taught to fetch the basket, it may be left in a Store or elsewhere, whence he should be made to fetch it out ; (See " Fetching") first only at a short distance, and in sight. When this is done, a person in the store, should call the dog, who holds the basket in his mouth, while standing by his master, who orders him to go to the store, the person in the store should take the basket out of his mouth, and replace it shortly after, adding the word "Back" and giving him signs to return to his master, who should call him at the same time. After a few repetitions of Backwards and Forwards, aided by the second person, the owner may begin by sending him alone, not forgetting to finish with the word Store" at every command. He should invariably be encouraged by both parties and occasionally have a penny to spend for himself. When he goes entirely on his own account, another and a different kind of basket should be used, so that he may be taught to distinguish between his own private affairs and the business of his master. A penny may be wrapped up, which he may be sent to lay oat for himself, which of course, should be spent for something eatable. If he were taught this invariably at regular hours, he would as certainly come at the appointed time for his penny, as for his regular meals. By this simple way of training, a dog may be rendered highly serviceable, in the country ; he can fetch the milk from a neighboring farm, supply the kitchen with wood, do all the little errands at the store, and make himself generally useful. Much time need not be devoted to educate an animal thoroughly ; constant habit and experience will work wonders on him. Only feed a dog three days in succession, at the same hour, if you omit the fourth, you may be sure he will remind you of it. Correct him three times for the same transgression, and he will scarcely ever require another reprimand.