Colds and Cough, when unconnected with any other complaints are seldom difficult to cure. Dogs are very liable to take cold, but we seldom notice it, except when we consider it either the forerunner or accompaniment of Distemper, or some serious affection of the lungs. Indeed an ordinary cold, discernible only by a light watery oozing from the eyes or nose, seldom requires any medical treatment, should no other symptoms present themselves. An emetic of common salt, and the next day from half a teaspoon to half a table-spoonful of castor oil, repeated every two hours, till a good operation be effected, keeping the animal in a sufficiently warm place, feeding him rather less than usual, (should he be inclined to fat or not habituated to exercise) will often cure a newly-contracted cough or cold, without further remedies. Should these fail, try the expressed juice of onions, boiled up with sugar; a teaspoon-ful or so to be given every three or four hours. Rubbing the throat and breast with spirits of Turpentine and oil in equal parts, or "Butler's Mange Liniment," if you have any, will be of service. If the dog will drink fish oil of his own accord, he may have a teaspoon or table-spoonful two or three times a day. A few drops of paregoric, in ten times the quantity of water, administered occasionally, I have also found to afford relief. Distemper-cough, must be treated as a part of Distemper and other symptoms taken into consideration, but in any case, what I here recommend, cannot fail to be of good effect. Blisters may be resorted to, should other means prove unsuccessful, and should there be a continuance of fever, the animal may be bled. I am no advocate of bleeding except in cases of incurable fits ; blisters also Are very troublesome, and I think may generally be avoided. Small and repeated doses of fish-oil tend greatly to relieve Cough or cold, but should not be allowed to act too freely.

A warm bed, light fare, freedom from damp or sudden chills must however be particularly attended to.

Asthma is troublesome, and not so easily got rid of. It appears to settle more firmly on the constitution than cither cough or cold, and is commonly the result of over-feeding, of continued lack of exercise, of exposure to chilis, &c; therefore asthmatic quadrupeds should be kept on light diet, or if otherwise, should never be fed to the full, be well supplied with fresh water, and not be exposed to cold or wet. Gentle emetics often relieve for a season ; rubbing the throat with a powerful liniment, not allowing the patient to get fat; gentle and regular exercise, all contribute to effect a cure. Milk, sweetened with molasses, is good for all complaints of the chest in dogs. Asthma is with difficulty totally eradicated, but, by attending to the remedial means, the animal will generally suffer but little, except in cases of age,or a debilitated constitution. Blisters and bleeding are resorted to by those who understand the business, but their effects are seldom of lasting benefit. Hot baths and hearty rubbings are also very beneficial and the bowels should never be constipated.

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Inflammation of the Lungs imparts to the animal a drowsy, sleepy appearance. He is little inclined, to lie down, and is continually drooping his head, when sitting on his haunches, is generally very thirsty, with little appetite and hot breath. It is often an accompaniment to Distemper, when it is more fatal than under any other circumstances. When this disease is manifest, the diet should be very light and nourishing ; the animal should be kept comfortably warm. From ten to twenty grains of Nitre with from two to five grains of antimonial powder may be given morning and evening. A little cro-ton-oil or blister-ointment may be rubbed on the chest, or a bag of hot hops be placed between the fore legs for a few hours. But after all, care and attention are the most important, as any cold taken by an animal in this state is liable to be fatal. The foeces should be carefully noted, and Diarrhoea or Constipation immediately attended to. Rapid consumption will be the result of Inflammation of the Lungs, it the disease be not attended to in time. Warm baths, if the animal can be afterwards thoroughly well rubbed and dried, will tend to invigorate and increase the circulation, but they should not be often repeated, or they may have the contrary effect.

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