One of the most important things in Breeding is, the absolute certainty that the female has not been tainted by forbidden suitors. Great caution is necessary during the copulative period, as both male and female arc equally desirous of satisfying their lust at whatever risk. The slut then should be kept where no dog, (except the chosen one), can possibly have access. Of this, the owner himself should be absolutely certain, as hirelings are often ignorant and generally careless about the necessary precautions. The general idea is that the heated period is of nine days duration ; but this is by no means certain, as it differs widely in different subjects, varying from three sometimes to twenty days ; perhaps the average may be nine or ten days. The female generally indicates its approach by a gradual expansion of the generative organs, from which, (previous to her being prepared for the male) is observed to issue a bloody fluid, more particularly visible after her having lain still for a time. These preparatory symptoms are of more or less duration, in different subjects. I have known them to continue a month previous to a perfect development, and even then all communication with the male refused. Very rarely will the slut submit to the dog. till this has passed off; indeed it is not lit she should, as the organs are not yet thoroughly conditioned for copulation, ami a favorable result cannot be anticipated. The female should, more properly, be put to the male three or four days alter she has ceased to bleed, as, at the outset, the womb is apt either to reject, or is unprepared to cherish the seed ; consequently early amalgamations often prove fruitless. Should she continue in heat, for several days, after having taken the male, it will be advisable to have the operation renewed, as the protracted expansive longing of the parts is apt to allow the evacuation of the semen. The female may be impregnated the first, second or third time, etc. it is impossible (before pupping) to say which. It is also, impossible to know, for an absolute fact, (but experience has caused Die to believe from incontrovertible circumstantial evidence), that what has been done, may be undone. For instance, should you put your slut to a dog, (who is considered an excellent stock-getter), and she should happen four or five days after to come in contact with another male, it will very often happen that the second is the father of the anticipated family. This of course, is proved by the day of the pupping. Tor this reason, I am not an advocate of oft-repeated doses ; for, grunting that it can be undone, it may be undone without being replaced. Once may bo equal to a dozen times, provided bath be in a prepared and healthy state. I generally advise twice, missing two days between the operations ; especially, when we are not satisfied as to the time the female has been in full heat. Whilst I do not depend on it too early, I often fear lest it may be too late. It is not well to shut up the animals together, when it can be otherwise effected ; the male is apt to wear himself out uselessly, which diminishes, rather than adds to the prospect of an increase. In case of necessity, when there is a difference in height of the two animals, a square board of sufficient size, may be used with two holes cut in it, to admit the legs of the slut (should she be the tallest ;) or for her to stand on, should she be the lowest. It may be raised to any height by placing something for the edges to bear on. Sluts intended for breeding should not bo kept too fat, neither when bearing; in the first place, they are very apt to miss ; and in the second, to experience great difficulty and danger in bringing forth. Dogs too fat are also very indifferent and uncertain stock-getters. During pregnancy, grossness and excess of food should be particularly guarded against ; especially with the more delicate breeds ; at the same time the animal should by no means be keublow. Food that is too strong for puppies is (in delicate constitutions), too strong for beariiig-sluts. The mother is apt to get too fat and humory ; consequently, the brood is with difficulty brought into the world, and the life of both mother and offspring is jeopardised ; secondly, the pups arc often born full of eruptions, and more subject to disease. House-pets, when in this state, should not be allowed to go up and down stairs ; especially after the sixth week Numbers of litters are in this way weakened or destroyed, and numerous mothers sacrificed. It appears to me, to be an unnatural canine movement, this ascending- and descending of steps, and I imagine, (with sluts in whelp), it strains the sustaining ligament, through which the nourishment passes to the embryos ; thus proving decidedly injurious both to mother and offspring. Regular exercise should always be attended to, and need not be seriously diminished on account of pregnancy. Sporting dogs, however, should not be hunted much when far advanced, as they are subject to sudden jerks, which might prove injurious. A snug, comfortable place should be selected, and a warm bed should be prepared for the slut, to deposit her pups. She should be accustomed to it, for several days previous to her delivery. This generally "has the effect of confining her labors to one spot ; otherwise she is apt, in her pains, to drop them about at random, thus unnecessarily perilling their lives. Should she absolutely appear determined on the selection of another spot, it is better to humor her, and there make her as comfortable as possible. A peeping, meddling curiosity at the time of oupping should not be allowed ; she is generally far better alone, since inquisitivencss will sometimes cause the animal to injure or even destroy her young, in endeavoring to conceal them. Should she however show symptoms of lengthened labor, small doses of castor oil may be administered every half hour, until an operation or a delivery be secured. Should a surgical operation appear to be necessary, you had better run the risk of doing nothing, than to meddle with what you do not understand. In such a case, apply to any, who may have had some experience, to help you out of the predicament. Many things have been recommended, to facilitate labor, but not being-satisfied of their safety and efficacy, I shall not introduce them here. I have never lost a single slut in labor yet, and have used no other means and precautions than those here mentioned; I am therefore satisfied with my own treatment. The object of this work is not to repeat what others say, but to state what (I believe) I know myself. That thousands will differ from me, as I take the liberty of doing from them, I have not the least shadow of a doubt, still I remain convinced that a bushel of experience is worth a whole chaldron el hearsay.

Mr. John E. T. Grainger's setter Nelly and her pups, valued at $5,000.

Mr. John E. T. Grainger's setter "Nelly" and her pups, valued at $5,000.

Sluts In Heat. Pupping And Pups.

Sluts In Heat. Pupping And Pups.